
Augmentative & Alternative Communication
Adelaide West Special Education Centre specialises in programs for students with complex communication needs. Students are supported by a wide range of communication technologies to develop skills enabling participation in class and play activities. Students have a communication goal based on their specific needs and abilities.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is the term used to describe the full range of communication methods that are used across the school to supplement or substitute for normal speech or writing when these are impaired or absent. The term encompasses everything from gestures and signing to communicaiton aids; which can be low-tech (such as tactile or picture boards and PODD communication books) or high-tech (devices employing the latest technology and voice output such as Proloquo2Go or PODD on iPads and Eye Gaze communication systems). The school supports AAC systems prescribed for individual students by speech pathologists. Staff model the use of AAC and support students to become independent communicators.
A student’s ability to participate in the classroom curriculum and play is supported by adaptations and accommodations which may involve a number of communication methods and a range of technologies to assist physical access.

We work with families and therapists and provide extensive professional learning for teachers and SSOs in AAC.