
Australian Curriculum

Teachers at Adelaide West Special Education Centre use the Australian Curriculum to develop programs that meet the educational needs of our R - Y9 students in ways that acknowledge their abilities and needs. A wide range of learning experiences based on the Australian Curriculum learning areas provide real and relevant learning for our students. Because all of our students have complex communication needs, AAC is used all day every day across the curriculum. Students’ communication goals are often designed so that they can continue to work towards these goals in all learning areas. For example, a student who has a goal based on initiating questions can develop their scientific skills by asking questions about Earthquakes, Electricity or Animal Differences and can be supported to ask questions about indigenous culture and the history of Australia during Reconciliation Week.

Our Y10-12 students are enrolled in the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) modified program. For more details about our SACE programs, refer to the SACE page.

As a school we recognise that students with disability are especially vulnerable to abuse and bullying. The Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum is taught across the whole school with a focus on supporting students to learn to communicate their feelings and provide them with skills to help keep themselves safe in a range of different environments.
