School Information

Governing Council

The Governing Council is an important decision making body of the school. Council members meet twice per term. New Governing Council members are elected at the Annual General Meeting held in February.

The Governing Council is comprised of parents, staff and community members. Observers are always welcome. Please contact the school for further details should you wish to join the Governing Council.

There are two Governing Council sub-committees: finance and fundraising.  

Dates of Meetings for 2021:

Week 4 and 8 of each term.Meetings are held on Wednesday evenings at 6.30 p.m.

Members for 2020:

Paul Rankin

Deputy Chair

Natalie Armistead

Melissa Foreman
Sharon Carthew

Sheila Cooper 
Father John Choraitis 
Jody Cremasco Melissa Foreman

Lillian Murphy

Sharon Carthew

Paul Rankin

Lillian Murphy

Assistant Principal

Michelle Grocke

Staff Representative
kathryn Bennett

Finance Officer
Tony Di Girolamo