Increasing students’ physical well-being is a major focus at Adelaide West Special Education Centre. In order to improve motor skills and increase fitness levels students participate in a variety of activities such as:
- aquatics
- swimming
- movement to music
- dance
- therapy programs
- health hustle
- bike riding
- sports
- individualised stretching programs
All activities and equipment are adapted and modified to meet the individual needs of students. It is paramount that all students experience success and self respect through the activities they undertake. This is achieved with the assistance of our supportive and dedicated school staff.
An annual Sports Day is held in Term 4. Sports Day is overwhelmingly supported by students, families and the wider community.
Qualified swimming instructors are employed by Department For Education to provide each student with one swimming session per week. This is part of a student’s Health and Physical Education curriculum. A Swimming Consent form must be updated annually. All students who are incontinent are required to wear ‘eenies’. These can be purchased from the swimming instructor-in-charge.
Clearly named bathers/’eenies’ and towels are to be sent to school on your child’s swimming day in a waterproof bag. Items such as deodorant and hair conditioner will be used if supplied. Students are transported on school buses to Novita Children’s Services swimming pool located at Regency Park for swimming sessions.
Swimming will be cancelled if the morning weather forecast temperature is over 37º.